Get Involved
Join Our Volunteer Crew!
If you are interested in volunteering at the mill in any capacity, please fill out our volunteer interest form. You may also contact us with any questions you may have. We are currently in need of volunteers to be tour docents, assist with parking, and work in the cook shack.
While the mill is open to the public four weekends every year, there’s a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes to keep the place in working condition and make the public demonstration runs even more enjoyable for our visitors.
Sturgeon’s Mill is in operation today thanks to our wonderful volunteers and donations from our community. We have monthly work days (usually the first Saturday of the month), where our volunteers come out and help with various tasks around the property, including working on machinery, restoring structures, building benches, and tending to the garden.

Become A Docent
Do you enjoy sharing historically correct tales and facts with others? Is it easy for you to get acquainted with folks you don’t know? Does a group of people with a shared interest appeal to you?
If that sounds like you, we invite you to come out to the mill on the first Saturday of the next month to learn more about the mill, its history and operation, and how to relay this story to folks who come to see our steam-powered sawmill.
Please fill out the volunteer interest form and note your interest to be a docent. You can also reach out to us for more information.
Help Us Tend To Woodland Gardens
Our gardens are a special part of the restoration project. We welcome volunteers to help us restore the gardens to their original splendor. If you’re interested in volunteering your time in the gardens, please fill out the volunteer interest form.

Work In The Cook Shack
Our cook shack opens on demonstration run weekends to not only offer food options to our visitors, but also to feed our mighty group of crew workers. Operated by volunteers, we are always looking for new volunteers who would like to help prepare and serve food. It is a vital part of our operations, as our volunteer crew members need fuel themselves to help keep the sawmill running.
If you are specifically interested in working in the cook shack, please note that on your volunteer interest form. It is also a great way to get involved if you are unable to commit to the monthly work parties.